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The ‘Battlefront’ novels are a collection of historical fiction combat thrillers. The books recreate famous ancient battles that influenced history. Each title is an extensively researched 50,000-word stand-alone adventure novel that forms part of an ever-expanding action-packed series, with several new titles published every year.

On a summer’s day in 216 BC, Hannibal Barca’s Carthaginian force of mercenary soldiers faced the might of a huge Roman army arrayed on a dusty plain near the ancient village of Cannae.
Vastly outnumbered, Hannibal fought one of history’s most remarkable tactical battles and won an astonishing victory – leaving more than sixty thousand Roman soldiers dead in the aftermath of his dramatic bloody triumph.
This is not another dry dusty textbook!
This is an action-packed novel of historical fiction that depicts the Battle of Cannae in brutal detail.
The pace is relentless, the combat scenes are drenched in blood and guts, and the excitement and drama carry through to the very last pages.
From the book…
The wailing trumpet of sound from the cornicines that heralded the Roman infantry advance sounded like the bellows of stampeding elephants. The noise seemed to still the battlefield with ominous portent. Then the signifiers bearing their standards raised their gilt glinting emblems into the air. Some bore the symbol of an eagle. Others bore emblems of a hand or a horse, or a wolf.
They lent a brave display of pageantry and color to the grand spectacle…
All around him the battle raged unabated; the cries, the clamor, the desperate killing, all crashing in his ears like the sound of surf pounding upon a rocky shore. He peered around and in every direction could see only death and misery.
This was the sickening reality of a battlefield, far removed from the heroic glorified tales told by poets. Here warriors died and sobbed and were maimed - and all that kept a man standing was his instinct for survival…

In 490 BC, at the height of political tensions between Persia and the Greek city-states, the Persian King, Darius I, conceived a daring plan to destroy Athens.
A fleet of 600 Persian warships set sail, carrying a vast army of soldiers. They landed at the Bay of Marathon and made plans to march across country to besiege the city. But the Athenians intercepted the Persians with a force of just ten thousand hoplites and prepared to defend their land, despite being greatly outnumbered…
This is not another dry dusty textbook!
This is a gripping action-packed historical fiction thriller that depicts the Battle of Marathon in gritty blood-drenched detail.
The combat scenes are brutal and compelling, the tension electrifying, and the action unrelenting.
From the book…
A Persian with a long black beard and a face lined with jagged scars pushed himself into the front rank of attackers and roared like a fiend as he slashed his sword. A hoplite deflected the savage blow with his shield and felt the bludgeoning impact of the strike buckle his knees. He regathered his balance and thrust with his spear, cleaving the long steel blade of the dory across the huge Persian’s ribs, sinking the point deep into flesh. The enemy warrior recoiled with a gasp of agony and clutched at the wound with his free hand. A look of astonishment filled his face and then he staggered backwards, toppling two men behind him to the ground as he fell dead.
There were no more than a hundred hoplites left. Many of them were cut and bleeding, their wounds wrapped in shreds of cloth, their faces tight and grief-stricken. Some men wept openly when they cast their eyes across the burning city and surveyed the dreadful ruin. The roadway before them was strewn with bodies. Some lay motionless, the corpses thick with flies. Others stirred slowly, laying in pools of dark blood. A young boy lay on his back, an arm missing and a Persian arrow lodged in the bloated swollen bulge of his stomach. He whimpered softly.

The Battle of Thermopylae will forever remain a testament to the heroic sacrifice of a handful of Greek hoplites who defied the might of an invading Persian army for several days.
In 480 BC, the Spartan king, Leonidas, along with a few thousand men, including his 300 Spartan Royal Guards, held the narrow pass of Thermopylae against overwhelming odds.
Ultimately, the Greeks were defeated and King Leonidas slain – but not before they had etched their heroism into the annals of history…
This is not another dry dusty textbook!
This is an action-packed novel of historical fiction that depicts the Battle of Thermopylae in savage detail.
The action is relentless, the fighting scenes are drenched in blood and gore, and the tension carries through to the very last pages.
From the book...
The front rank of the Spartan phalanx struck home with a dreadful crash of screams and shouts and steel. The Persian column seemed to shudder and a ripple ran through the mass of bodies. The face of the formation collapsed and began to fold in upon itself as the Spartans clawed and killed like berserkers in a butcher’s yard.
Wicker shields shattered in the collision. The short, flimsy spears of the Immortals splintered or snapped to shards against the bronze shields of the Spartans. The Greeks were in a bloody killing rage.
They crashed home and pushed the Persians back using the weight of their shields like battering rams, and then the men in the first two ranks used their long heavy spears to stab and slaughter. The Immortals were only lightly armored and were no match for the Spartans. Men screamed in pain and blood soaked the ground.